Open AI Sleep Technology

 A-Slip, a representative of domestic sleep tech start-ups, will launch the world's first artificial intelligence (AI) sleep secretary in the fourth quarter of this year along with OpenAI led by Sam Altman. The AI sleep diagnosis software (SW) "Sleep Track" developed by A-Slip is linked to OpenAI's ChatGPT. ChatGPT will be the first service to precisely analyze the sleep data of individuals diagnosed by SlipTrack. This is the first time that a slip tech technology developed by a Korean start-up will be released worldwide through a global Generative AI company.

As a result of the Maeil Economic Report on the 24th, A-Slip is planning to release the AI sleep assistant service "Sleep Chat" (tentative name) developed with OpenAI through the ChatGPT store in the fourth quarter of this year. Lee Dong-hun, CEO of A-Slip, explained, "If A-Slip's software was a tracking service that AI tracks individual sleep data, Sleep Chat, which will be released in the fourth quarter, is an interactive service that summarizes the results in an easy-to-understand manner."

Earlier, A-Slip was finally selected for a collaboration program with OpenAI by participating in the "K Startup and OpenAI Match Day" held in Silicon Valley on the 14th of last month by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.

CEO Lee explained, "Open AI presented development and cooperation points to A-slip, which has the world's best AI sleep measurement service Sliptrack," adding, "As a result, we have accelerated the development of the service in connection with ChatGPT."

A-Slip is a startup with the most AI sleep data and diagnostic technology in the world. Since its establishment in 2020, it has deeply learned the breathing sounds of sleepers, including patients suffering from insomnia and sleep apnea, and launched an AI sleep measurement service last year that learned sleep data from more than 7,000 people around the world. The service called "SleepRoutine" can be used at home by downloading an application (app), and it shows analysis accuracy that is close to 94% of the polydimensional sleep test measured by specialized institutions.

However, in the process, CEO Lee suffered from conflicts with management and massive manpower restructuring to transform the company into a software-oriented organization and convert a technology-oriented organization into a product and commercialization organization.

A-Slip currently provides business-to-business (B2B) services to 15 domestic and foreign companies. Representatively, SK Telecom's AI app 'Aidat' has been installed since October last year to provide sleep analysis services, and KB Healthcare's health care app 'OCare' started the service in November of the same year. The service with Samsung Life Insurance was launched through the health care app "The Health" from the middle of this month. Kyungdong Navien, a comprehensive heating and cooling company, also plans to launch a sleep mat product that helps people sleep well in line with their sleep stages.

Cooperation with overseas companies is also active. It will be applied to the subscription model of the meditation app developed by U.S. startup Sleep Alora and downloaded by more than 3 million people worldwide, and the service will start next month. "It is a method of providing sleep analysis services to paid subscribers in the existing app," CEO Lee said. "Subscribers will be able to use the function of listening to sleep music and showing sleep results until they wake up in the morning."

Such expansion of services is expected to lead to an increase in performance. This is because companies that use the service pay an average of 15 million won per month, and profits are generated in proportion to their usage. CEO Lee said, "We will supply services to 20 to 30 companies within this year, and the number will increase to more than 100 companies next year," adding, "We aim to pass the monthly break-even point in the third quarter of this year and the annual break-even point in the fourth quarter of this year."

Meanwhile, A-Slip is reportedly currently in discussions with multiple securities companies for the special listing of technology in 2026.

Source: Kim Sigyun, Maeil Business News Korea, Apr. 24, 2024


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